Artur 23rd June (25 min)

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flying insect that bites humans and animals and drinks their blood
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a mosquito
a mosquito bite
I'm ... my brother's place.
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I'm AT my brother's place.
your mum and dad
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I want to go ... Poland this weekend.
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I want to go TO Poland this weekend.
My parents went ... Poland FOR a few days.
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My parents went TO Poland FOR a few days.
My granny is around 60.
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My granny is in her sixties.
I'm around 30 years old.
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I'm in my thirties.
somebody who's 18 years old or more
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an adult / a grown-up
I like ... a teenager.
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I like being a teenager.
I'm going to hang ... with my friends.
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I'm going to hang OUT with my friends.
Let's meet up tonight.
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Let's ... up tonight.
a shopping mall
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a shopping CENTRE
you could ... bowling
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you could GO bowling

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