Artur 14th June (45 min)

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You can say SO ... SO ... to say that you're happy with how something is going
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so far so good
Did you ... a good weekend?
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Did you HAVE a good weekend?
I ... a sandwich for breakfast.
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I HAD / ATE a sandwich for breakfast.
I ... nothing interesting on Sunday.
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I DID nothing on Sunday.
He's SO tall.
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He's SUCH a tall man.
You are SO smart.
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You are SUCH a smart boy.
She is SO intelligent.
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She is SUCH an intelligent woman.
e.g. smart, beautiful, tall
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an adjective
e.g. a dog, a cat, a book, a computer, a teacher
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a noun
e.g. to go, to play, to swim, to eat
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a verb
Every day I have to do my homework. Yesterday I ... to do my homework.
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Yesterday I HAD to do my homework.

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