Artur 11th Aug (45 min)

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something that looks dirty or untidy
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a mess
Who are you going ...? I'm going with my friends.
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Who are you going with? I'm going with my friends.
My mother ... is Lithuanian.
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My mother tongue is Lithuanian.
What ... TONGUE mean?
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What does TONGUE mean?
My first ... is Russian.
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My first language is Russian.
But I'm also fluent ... Lithuanian.
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But I'm also fluent in Lithuanian.
I also speak Polish but I'm not ... in Polish.
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I also speak Polish but I'm not fluent in Polish.
I speak English but I want to ... it.
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I speak English but I want to improve it.
a person who can speak two languages equally well
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I'm bilingual.
a person who knows, uses or writes in more than one language
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a polyglot
Artur is a polyglot.
in or from a country that is not your own
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Do you speak any foreign languages?
a foreign language
a person who comes from a different country
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a foreigner
I want to live in a foreign country.
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I want to live abroad.
I want to go abroad ... holiday.
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I want to go abroad on holiday.
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the fifth
to focus ON sth
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to concentrate ON sth

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