Article #90 The Zoo

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My class took a trip to the Toronto Zoo.
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Minha turma fez uma viagem ao zoológico de Toronto.
I had a wonderful time there.
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Eu tive um tempo maravilhoso lá.
My favorite animals were the lions.
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Meus animais favoritos eram os leões.
They look very powerful and strong.
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Eles parecem muito poderosos e fortes.
They say that the lion is the king of the forest, and I think that title suits him.
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Dizem que o leão é o rei da floresta e acho que esse título combina com ele.
The monkeys were funny.
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Os macacos eram engraçados.
They were looking at us just as much as we looked at them.
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Eles estavam olhando para nós tanto quanto nós os olhamos.
They were swinging from branches and doing tricks to impress us.
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Eles estavam balançando nos galhos e fazendo truques para nos impressionar.
There was a baby monkey that was clinging to its mother's back.
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Havia um bebê macaco agarrado às costas da mãe.
It was very cute.
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Foi muito fofo.
The tigers were pacing back and forth.
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Os tigres estavam andando de um lado para o outro.
They seemed restless.
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Eles pareciam inquietos.
The stripes on a tiger are very beautiful.
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As listras em um tigre são muito bonitas.
We watched the tall giraffes as they nibbled leaves off the tallest trees.
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Observamos as girafas altas enquanto mordiscavam as folhas das árvores mais altas.
We spoke to a colorful parrot that spoke back to us.
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Conversamos com um papagaio colorido que falou de volta para nós.
We saw exotic animals that we had never seen before.
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Vimos animais exóticos que nunca tínhamos visto antes.
Some of them were very strange.
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Alguns deles eram muito estranhos.
There were different types of bears there.
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Havia diferentes tipos de ursos lá.
There were black bears.
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Havia ursos pretos.
I saw a black bear once when I was camping up north.
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Vi um urso preto uma vez quando estava acampando no norte.
We saw polar bears.
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Vimos ursos polares.
Polar bears are white.
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Os ursos polares são brancos.
They like the cold.
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Eles gostam do frio.
We even saw panda bears.
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Vimos até ursos panda.
One of my friends bought a toy panda bear from the gift shop because she thought that the pandas were so cute.
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Uma das minhas amigas comprou um urso panda de brinquedo na loja de presentes porque ela achava que os pandas eram tão fofos.
We saw slithery snakes.
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Vimos cobras escorregadias.
Some of the snakes had very bright skins.
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Algumas das cobras tinham peles muito brilhantes.
Most of the girls were afraid of the snakes.
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A maioria das meninas tinha medo das cobras.
The zoo keeper was looking after the snakes, and one of them hissed at him.
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O guarda do zoológico estava cuidando das cobras, e uma delas sibilou para ele.
He has to be very careful when he works with the snakes.
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Ele tem que ter muito cuidado quando trabalha com as cobras.
The last thing that we saw at the zoo was the elephant.
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A última coisa que vimos no zoológico foi o elefante.
He was enormous.
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Ele era enorme.
He looked at us.
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Ele olhou para nós.
Then he raised his trunk and made a loud sound.
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Então ele levantou o tronco e emitiu um som alto.
It made us jump.
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Isso nos fez pular.

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