Article #20 Working Outside

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Today, I was working outside.
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Hoje, eu estava trabalhando lá fora.
It was a sunny day, and I was very hot.
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Era um dia ensolarado e eu estava com muito calor.
I wore a hat on my head.
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Eu usava um chapéu na minha cabeça.
I (watered) all the plants.
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Eu (reguei) todas as plantas.
I -weeded- the (flower beds).
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-Capinei- os (canteiros de flores).
I (cut back) all of the plants that were (growing) too big.
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(Cortei) todas as plantas que estavam (crescendo) muito.
I cut the lawn.
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Eu cortei o gramado.
I raked the lawn.
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Eu varri o gramado.
I filled up the bird baths with water.
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Enchi os banhos de pássaros com água.
I swept the sidewalks and the paths.
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Eu varri as calçadas e os caminhos.
I (took out) the -garbage-.
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(Tirei) o -lixo-.
I (filled) the car up with gas.
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(Enchi) o carro com gasolina.
I washed the car.
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Lavei o carro.
I (hung out) the clothes on the -clothesline-.
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(Pendurei) as roupas no -varal-.
I -washed- down the (lawn) furniture.
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-Lavei- os móveis do (gramado).
I washed all of the windows on the house from the outside.
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Lavei todas as janelas da casa pelo lado de fora.
I was so tired.
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Eu estava tão cansado.
So I had a glass of lemonade.
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Então eu tomei um copo de limonada.
I talked to my neighbor, and I helped her (trim) a tree.
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Conversei com minha vizinha e ajudei-a a (cortar) uma árvore.
I planted some bulbs, and then I went into the house.
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Plantei algumas lâmpadas e depois entrei em casa.
I was exhausted.
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Eu estava exausto.

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