Around the House

 0    19 schede    szymonjankowski41
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Domanda English Risposta English
go ahead
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you have permission
stay over (at someone’s house) crash with (someone)
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stay overnight at the person’s house or apartment
put (someone) up
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give the person a place to stay
look after (someone / something)
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take care of and be responsible for the person or thing
stay up
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stay awake (not sleep)
sleep in
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sleep longer than usual
(be) locked out
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not have the key to enter a house, building, or car
wake up
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stop sleeping
get up
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rise; get out of bed
let (someone) in
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open the door and allow the person to enter
doze off / nod off
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start sleeping
put (something) away
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put the thing in the correct place
hang (clothing) up
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put the clothing on a hanger
pick up after (someone)
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clean and organize the messes that person makes
throw out / throw away
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put something in the garbage
heat up / warm up
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put something on the stove or in the microwave to make it hot or warm
boil over
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overflow the pot and spill
clean up wipe up mop up
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clean a mess clean a mess with a sponge, cloth, napkin, or towel clean a mess on the floor using a mop
chop up / cut up
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cut something into small pieces

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