April 5 100%

 0    13 schede    pjendruszko
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Domanda Risposta
Muzyka zmienia nastrój
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Music changes the mood
On gra na trąbce
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He plays the trumpet
Ona gra na flecie
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She plays the flute
On gra na bębnach
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He plays the drums
Jestem głuchą dyrygentką
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I'm a deaf conductor
Daję im znak
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I give them a sign
Graj ciszej
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Play quieter
tempo muzyki
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music tempo
oni grają nie do rytmu
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they play out of rhythm
Kompozytor piosenki
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Song Composer
On napisał słowa piosenki
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He wrote the lyrics to the song
Udany spektakl
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A successful performance
Lubię grać na harfie
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I like to play the harp

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