April 18 100%

 0    12 schede    pjendruszko
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Paczka dzisiaj doszła
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The parcel arrived today
spóźniłam sie na samolot
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I was late for the plane
Co mogę teraz zrobić?
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What can I do now?
Czy masz łączony lot?
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Do you have a connecting flight?
CZy masz lot bezpośredni?
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Do you have a direct flight?
Ile walizek Pan odprawia?
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How many suitcases do you check in?
Ile waży twoja walizka?
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How much does your suitcase weigh?
Gdzie są przyloty?
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Where are the arrivals?
Gdzie są odloty?
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Where are the departures?
która to jest bramka?
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which gate is it?
Czy lot jest anulowany?
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Is the flight cancelled?
Czy lot jest opóźniony?
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Is the flight delayed?

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