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(sprośny) rude words or movement refer to sex
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(wiewiórka) some animal similar to squirrel
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(zatkać) to block something
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(peleryna) a long loose piece of clothing without sleeves, it fasten around the neck
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(zasada) a principle or belief, part of system of beliefs
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(wtargnąć / push) to move somewhere quickly in forced way
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(doradzanie) support given by the counsellor after the talk to person with problems
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(doradzca/psycholog) a person who helps people with their problems
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(podświadomość) a way of you behave but you dont know why
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(nienawiść) a strongly feeling of anger to someone or something
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(ciężar w przenoscni) something difficult or worrying cuz you are responsible for it
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(dodac pikanterii) add excitment to something
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(wtrącać się) to find out the detail about someone in impolite way
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(okropny) very unpleasant, rude or very offensive
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(szanować) respect for someone or something
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(skandaliczne) very shocking, extremely unfair or offensive
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(sumienie) the part of your mind which tells you what is morally right or not
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(wytrwały) lasting for long time and difficult to get rid of them
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(trzeźwość) someone isn't drunk
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(dziedzictwo) you receive something after your parents die \\ (skutek) the result of action which took part in the past
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(ulubiony) the shorter version of favourite
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(popiersie) a model of someone's head, shoulders and upper chest
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just 'totally' used by young people
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(puchaty) a poofy hair look big and soft, filled with air
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(szybko) you loose or get something quickly
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(cnotliwy) morally good and fair
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(pozostałość) a part of something that remains after the main part was demaged or destroyed
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(rażący) too bright to look at
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(zwykły) simple nad ordinary but useful and effective // (skromny) not considering your ideas as important as others
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(mianować) to choose someone for a position or a job
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(tchórz) someone who isn't brave at all
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(zasrany) an offensive word using instead of fu***ng, to emphsize that you are angry
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(streszczenie) summary of the series/book
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(szalone) completely stupid often in way that is dangerous
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(muł) a genetic cross horse and donkey // someone who brings illegal drugs into a country by hidding them
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(wstążka) narrow piece of clothing that you can tie around the hair to look more atractive
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(kark) a bottom part of your back of neck when the ears end