angielski zawodowy

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Scarica mp3 Stampa Gioca Testa il tuo livello
Domanda Risposta
dostepny w sprzedazy
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Available in sale
do uzytku
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to use
standard jakości
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quality standard
ekran dotykowy
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Touch Screen
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service provider
zalety tego prosuktu sa zdumiewajace
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benefits of this product are overwhelming
dokonamy zmian w tym produkcie
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we will make changes to this product
ten produkt nie jest juz na sprzedaz
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this product is not for sale now
chcemy, aby nadi klienci byli zainteresowani
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We want customers to be interested
cena przyjazna dla klienta
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customer-friendly price
dłuższa żywotność baterii,
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longer battery life,
dodać szczegóły
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add details
na czas
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on time
opis produktu
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Product Description
ten produkt bedzie dostepny w sprzedazy w maju
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this product will be available for sale in May
jest zmiana w dacie dostawy
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there is a change in the date of delivery
jaki jest powod opoznienia
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whats is the reason for the delay
ten produkt jest wylacznie do uzytku domowego
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This product is for home use only
omega wypuscila nowy produkt
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omega launched a new product
chcialabym zamowic buty sportowe z waszego katalogu
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I would like to order sports shoes from your catalog
jakie rozmiary sa dostepne
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what sizes are available
calkowity koszt wynosi 80 dolarow
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the total cost is 80 dollars
nie mam paragonu ale mam gwarancje
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I haven’t got the receipt, but I have a warranty
dlaczego pani nie jest zadowolony z zakupu
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Why aren’t you satisfied with the purchase
prosze podac marke oraz numer modelu
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please give the mark and model number
darmowa wysylka za zakupy powyzej 100 dolarow
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free shipping for orders over 100 dollars
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a receipt
dzial obslugi klienta
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customer service department
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czy moge wymienic ten telefon komorkowy
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Can I exchange this mobile phone
oferujemy bezplatne naprawy na wszystkie zakupione towary
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We offer free repair for every bought product
dzial obslugi klienta rowniez dokonuje zwrotow pieniedzy
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customer service also do money returns

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