Angielski z Aaronem

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cut corners
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do something poorly in order to save time or money
let someone off the hook
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wybawić kogoś z opresji
go back to the drawing board
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start over
easy does it
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ostrożnie! powoli!
by the skin of his teeth
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o mały wlos, ledwie
it takes one to know one
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you're just as bad as I am
the elephant in the room
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oczywisty problem, o którym nikt nie mówi
as right as rain
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zdrów jak ryba
get something out of your system
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wyrzucić coś z siebie
get your act together
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wziąć się w garść
give someone the benefit of the doubt
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wierzyć komuś na słowo
hang in there
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nie poddawaj się
hit the sack/rack
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uderzyć w kimono
it's not a rocket science
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to nie jest takie trudne🥲🤨😒🫤
miss the boat
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it's too late
pull's someone's leg
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to joke with someone
pull yourself together
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ogarnąć się, pozbierać się do kupy
so far so good
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things are going well so far
worn out
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wynagrodzenie, płaca

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