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back to basics
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back to fundamental principles (nowadays I dance oddly, I need to go back go basics)
fruits of its labours
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results of work done, rezultay pracy.
Green on the inside
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pokazuje prawdziwą miłość do zielonego Eco, phrase showing Concerto for the environmental as a core principle
Green on the outside
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phase showing Concerto for the environment but onky superficially(powierzchowni e/na pokaz)
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when firm promotes itself as a Eco friendly and everytjing Eco doing great for environment and benefitial but it's just for show.
In your face
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In a bold and agressive manner(manner-sposób)
McLibel Trial, an infamous trial between McDonald's and two ordinary people...
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infamous trial between McDonald's and two environists. won but McDonald's but thanks to it world looked on environmental stuff a bit more.
cause-related marketing
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partnership between companies and charities for mutual benefits
community investment
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focuses on how companies invest in community such as health care. It has bemefits for both the investor and consumers.
corporate philantropy
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firm or brand promotez the welfare of others. np jakieś zbiórki na coś albo dotacje.
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you make more goods using less resources and creating less pollution or waste.
brand image
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(wizerunek marki) - some festures or ideas we connect with a praticular product or brand
McDonald's has such a great brand image
household name
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Coś co zna każdy.
He will never become a household name, unlike his famous Brother.
corporate identity
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Coś co czyni marke innym od innych (np logo, kolorystyka)

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