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Is this gonna take a while? inizia ad imparare
trochę potrwać, zająć chwilę
And screwed the whole thing up inizia ad imparare
If the bottom bunk moves, the top bunk move, too inizia ad imparare
My God, you're getting engaged tonight inizia ad imparare
You didn't wear a suit, just a blazer inizia ad imparare
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It's a very pretty name. It's Lebanese inizia ad imparare
I just couldn't imagine settling down right now inizia ad imparare
Some fall day. Possibly in Central Park inizia ad imparare
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Did you know there's a Pop-tart under your fridge? inizia ad imparare
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girl across the crowded dance floor inizia ad imparare
the jukebox played all the classic hits from our childhood inizia ad imparare
Come on, let me have you, you pansy inizia ad imparare
some guy's attempting to make the world's biggest pancake inizia ad imparare
The denied application left him disappointed. inizia ad imparare
I thought we were playing laser tag tomorrow night inizia ad imparare
strzelanka laserowa do znaczników
I didn't see you. Stupid eye patch inizia ad imparare
It is on till the break of dawn inizia ad imparare
Zabawa trwa do białego rana, wszystko pasuje do siebie jak ulał
inizia ad imparare
zaryzykować, zdobyć się na odwagę
inizia ad imparare
„z ostatniej chwili” (reportaż, wiadomości)
kiss the Crap out of that girl inizia ad imparare
I'm gonna see if that bodega has a bathroom inizia ad imparare
and we can't just abandon Ted inizia ad imparare
Okay, door's closed! Hit it! inizia ad imparare
to bear with me through all this inizia ad imparare
At midnight, we will pop the champagne to welcome the new year. inizia ad imparare
you're freaking me out with the nunchakus. inizia ad imparare
Carmen just called and said you just took off all of a sudden. inizia ad imparare
And stay on course, Sailor. inizia ad imparare
We will meet you inside." "Word up!" inizia ad imparare
Kyle was supposed to be driving us to the party, but he crapped out. inizia ad imparare
I think, Mr. Fox, a simple phone call might have sufficed inizia ad imparare
You need to take a right at the next stop sign. inizia ad imparare
I made a fool of myself in front of my father. inizia ad imparare
I was briefly in love with the abstract concept of getting married. inizia ad imparare
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I will not let you relapse. inizia ad imparare
nawrót powrót (choroba, nałóg)
inizia ad imparare
you squeaked. She said something about me, didn't she? inizia ad imparare
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wypluć, wykrztusic to z siebie (tajemnica)
I'm gonna be a Mashroom Cloud of casual inizia ad imparare
the whole happily-ever-after tbing I wanted to Skipton the end and do whole happily-ever-after thing inizia ad imparare
całe to szczęśliwe zakończenie
I just got to bump into her somewhere inizia ad imparare