angielski - mowienie

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A controversial marketing will make people talk and put the company in public eye in my opinion controversial advertising is the one that includes practices that can be harmful to society and their views on the world.
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for me the biggest unacceptable practice would be using actors eho pretend to be experts. it’s a trick that will make customers believe in produscts and the effects they supposedly guve just because they see a familiar face on the screen.
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it especially harms older generations who trust everything they watch on tv. the whole advertisement without actual experts and their experience is a false reality and is essentailly nothing more but a scam
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i think promoting alcohor cigarettes on tv isn’t a good practice either. it can encourage people particulary young people to drink and smoke becouse in their opinion it is fashionable and cool. it isn’t good for the reason it makes people addicted
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