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Czy mogę zadać pytanie?
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Can I ask you a question?
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yes, Go ahead!
Nie ma mowy.
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No way!
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you must
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You have to
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you should
nie dotykaj
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don't touch
Nie wolno palić
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You mustn't smoke
Nie wolno palić.
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You are not allowed to smoke
Przepraszam jak dojechać do
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Excuse me, how do I get to the bank
idź prosto
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go straight on
O której dojedzie do Oxfordu
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What time does it get to oxford
Z którego peronu odjeżdża pociąg
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witch platform does this train depart from?
O której przyjeżdża
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When does it arrive?
Masz przesiadkę w Koluszkach
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You have to change at Koluszki
Poproszę bilet w jedną strone/w obie strony/ do Paryża
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A single/return to Paris, please
Czy to miejsce jet zajęte
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is this seat taken?
Oto karta pokładowa/do samolotu
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Here's your boarding card
zapnij pasy
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fasten your seatbelts
oto menu
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here's the menu
Czy mogę przyjąć zamówienie?
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Are you ready to order?
Czy chciałby pan coś do picia /na deser?
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Would you like something to drink /for a dessert?
Czy chciałby pan coś jeszcze?
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Would you like anything else?
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Enjoy your meal!
wezmę burgera
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I will have a burger/ i would like a burger
Czy można prosić rachunek?
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Can we have the bill please?

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