Angielski 26 09

 0    12 schede    kamilawozniakwyrwal
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Domanda Risposta
zwlekać, ociągać się
inizia ad imparare
delay, protract, dally, temporise, linger, procrastinate
Most of us procrastinate, because it's hard to get started, procrastination is the thief of time
rozproszyć, pokryć, rozciągać się (along the coast), rozplenić
inizia ad imparare
straggle disperse, cover, extend (along the coast), proliferate
łaskawie, dobrotliwie
inizia ad imparare
kindly, benignly
radzić sobie z
inizia ad imparare
to deal with, get along, get on
mieć dobre stosunki z, dobrze żyć z
inizia ad imparare
get on with, get along with have good relations with, live well with
szczyt osiągnięc / szczyt rozkitu
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peak achievement / peak flowering, high water mark
krasnoludek, ciastko, zuch, harcerka
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zapunktować (u kogoś; robiąc coś, aby się popisać)
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win / get brownie point to point (at someone; doing something to show off)
hierarchia ważności
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hierarchy of importance / pecking order /
bez zakłócen, bez szwów
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seamless, no distortion,
kadzidło (używane w kościele)
inizia ad imparare
incense (used in church), frankincense
marnować czas / pieniądze
inizia ad imparare
waste time / money, piddle, jack around

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