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rozpraszać, dekoncentrować
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odbiegać (od tematu), mówić bez sensu
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zwięzły, krótki, treściwy
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a person with a high level of knowledge or skill, especially someone who Is less able in other ways)
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wywoływać, narażać (się), sciągać na siebie(np. gniew) (to experience something bad as a result of actions you have taken)
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fatalnie, okropnie (in a way that makes u fell very sad and without hope, or that shows someone is sad and without hope)
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oszołomiony(very confused and unable to think clearly)
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chybotanie / to (cause something to) shake or move from side to side in a way that shows poor balance)
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upierać się, nalegać, nie przestawać (to try to do or continue doing something in determined but often unreasonable way)
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dążyć do czegoś, dokonać starań (to try very hard to do something or to make something happen, especially for a long time or against difficulties)
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wada, niedogodność/ a disadvantage or the negative part of a situation
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rozszyfrować, złamać(deciphered, worked out)(to puzzle out and solve)
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kontrolować, nadzorować(observe and record systematically)(o watch, keep track of,)
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zasilanie, źródło zasilania
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lista przeciwprzepięciowa, listwa zasilająca(an electrical device that is used to protect equipment against voltage spikes while blocking voltage over a safe threshold)
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zagrozić, narażać, zagrazać(to reveal or expose to an unauthorized person and especially to an enemy)
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niemożliwy do przerwania, nieprzerwalny, bezprzerwowy(cannot be disrupted or cut)(serving as a backup source of electricity in the event of an interruption of normal power (as during a blackout)
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zapora sieciowa(a combination of hardware and software to protect networks from unauthorized users) or (filter for an Internet connection.)
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szyfrować (protect data by putting it in a form only authorized users can understand)
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dostarczane przez dostawcę
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copies of changes to files made to reduce the risk of loss of data:
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software available for a short time on a free trial basis
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biometryczny (measuring physical characteristics such as distance between the eyes)
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złamać, rozszyfrować hasło
uninterruptible power supply inizia ad imparare
nieprzerywalne źródło zasilania
compromise a program or system inizia ad imparare
zagrozić programowi lub systemowi
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kontrola, przeprowadzać kontrolę
vendor supplied software - inizia ad imparare
oprogramowanie dostarczone przez dostawcę
keep under lock and key(n a room, box, etc., that is locked) - inizia ad imparare
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odporność na błędy (prevention of the data loss if a component fails)
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odzwierciedlać (Write copies of data to two disks at the same time)
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ograniczać(to limit something and reduce its size or prevent it from increasing)
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wół roboczy (a machine, piece of equipment, or vehicle that you can trust to work well and that you can use to do a lot of work)
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onieśmielać(to frighten or threaten someone, usually in order to persuade the person to do something he or she does not wish to do)
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serwerownia, farma/klaster serwerów(a large collection of computers that work together to provide services on a network)
bootleneck (jedna sytuacja powoduje zatrzymanie całej firmy)(a problem that delays a process or stops it from continuing) inizia ad imparare
a disk array -(a set of interconnected disks) inizia ad imparare
macierz dyskowa – (zestaw połączonych ze sobą dysków)
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wykonalny(able to be done or likely to succeed)
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leżeć u podstaw, stanowić podstawę(to be at the basis of
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wydajność, przepustowość(the amount of data that is dealt with by a machine or system in a particular period of time)
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obciążać(a heavy load that you carry)
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odciążać(to reduce the weight of something)
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a type of high speed interconnection
- Network Attached Storage inizia ad imparare
Small Computer Systems Interface inizia ad imparare
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- The process of encoding information in a way so that only someone with a key can decode it is called
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An encrypted value(is a string of characters that represent encrypted data)
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serwer proxy (server that retrieves data from host servers before sending it to a computer.)
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another term for a zombie computer army
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(-swamping a server with large number of requests.)
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kind of malware typically resides in a larger, innocent computer program
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technique designed to fool innocent people into sharing private information like bank account numbers and credit card information
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malicious hackers who infiltrate secure systems in order to steal information or cause damage or someone who actively attempts to infiltrate secure systems or build computer viruses with the intent to cause mischief or steal information
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wywoływać(decides when and how to activate the payload)
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- wprowadzenie w błąd(hides the presence of the code)
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rozmnażanie(attaches a copy of itself to another program)
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(-adding concealed instructions to a computer program so that it will still work but will also perform prohibited duties. In other words, it appears to do something useful but actually does something destructive in the background.)
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klapa w podłodze. leaving, within a completed program, an illicit program that allows unauthorised and unknown entry.
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oszpecić, niszczyć wygląd czegoś(changing the information shown on another person’s website.)
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nieść kogoś na barana(using another person’s identification code or using that person’s files before he/she has logged off.)
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unauthorised copying of a program for sale or distributing to other users
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(-tricking a user into revealing confidential information such as an access code or a credit card number.)
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inundating an email address with thousands of messages, thereby slowing or even crashing the server.
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(-manipulating programs or data so that small amounts of money are deducted from a large number of transactions or accounts and accumulated elsewhere. The victims are often unaware of the crime because the amount taken from any individual is so small.)
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-redirecting anyone trying to visit a certain site elsewhere.
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zasady (Principal features)
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w transporcie, podczas transportu
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oszust(Person pretending to be someone else)
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manipulować grzebać(Make unauthorised changes)
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odszyfrowac - Convert to meaningful data)
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-przygotowywać się do czegoś
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