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kurczenie się- the process of smoething getting smaller
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skład- the way in which something is put together
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uzupełniać/zaopatrzyć to put back something after it has been used
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gęstość when a lot of things are in a small area with little space
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bardzo mocno czegoś pragnąć to want something in a really strong way
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podatny when something is very likely to be affected by something, often negatively
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ograniczać/krawężnik to limit the amount or number of something
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the act of damaging something so that it doesn’t work in the way it should
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nie do pokonania when something is too difficult to be able to complete successfully
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korzystny/ pożyteczny describing something which helps you to beat something or someone
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przytłoczony feeling we have more to do than we can possibly manage
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wkuwanie (np. do egzaminu) trying to learn many things in a short amount of time
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walcz lub uciekaj a natural desire to attack or to run away in the face of danger
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very basic, from a time in very early history
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zaprojektowany na stałe/ na stałe natural or built-in
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a natural chemical produced by your body during times of excitement, fear or anger which makes your heart beat faster
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suddenly starting a reaction
butterflies in your stomach
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a feeling of nervousness or excitement
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the section of tubes which food enters after it leaves your stomach
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the body’s process of breaking down food
immune system
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the process used by your body to protect itself from disease and harmful bacteria
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describing a long-lasting illness that is hard to cure
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the state of a part of the body not working as it should
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a group of spots over a particular area of the body, often the face. This often lasts for a long time and returns repeatedly,
irritable bowel syndrome
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a problem in the bowels, often caused by stress, which causes either constipation or diarrhoea as well as pain in that area,
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when there is a large increase in blood pressure,
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the state of being extremely tired as a result of overwork or too much activity,
heart disease
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problems and deformities with the heart,
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when a blood vessel in the brain breaks or becomes blocked causing death or loss of the ability to fully communicate,
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discomfort caused by a build-up of acid coming back up from your stomach, often caused by overeating or eating certain foods
readily available
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łatwo dostępny
relatively inexpensive
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stosunkowo niedrogi
easily modifiable
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łatwo modyfikowalny
entirely satisfactory
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całkowicie satysfakcjonujący
highly unlikely
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mało prawdopodobny
widely accepted
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powszechnie akceptowane
deeply divided
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głęboko podzielona

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