ang 11.01

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Domanda English Risposta English
in a quandry
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find it difficult to decide
split hairs
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argue or worry about very small details or differences that are not important
in to minds
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in a quandry
To sit on the fence
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when someone does not want to choose or make a decision
take a back seat
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not to do anything; let others act instead
stick to your guns
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maintain your point of view
up in arms
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To protest
make a mountain out of a molehill
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make a small problem seem big
keep your options open
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to wait before making a choice
Lesser of two evils
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The less unpleasant of two actions
No way or The highway
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wóz albo przewóz
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Does not require much thought
take a stand
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clearly and loudly declare your point of view
To weigh the pros and cons
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blow hot and cold
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swing for and against something
drag one's feet
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delay; take longer than necessary to do something.
the jury is still out
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you have to wait for decision to be made
to prod someone into doing sth
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To make someone to do sth
jump to conclusions
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To finish deciding and make a decision
reach a compromise
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to come to an agreement
implement a plan
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to introduce a plan
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sure about decisions
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unanimous decision
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when everyone agrees
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unbiased opinion
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opinia eksperta

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