All phrasal verbs

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be on the point of doing something
mieć właśnie coś zrobić
Właśnie miał wychodzić kiedy zadzwonił telefon
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be about to
He was about to leave when phone rang
be in favour of something
być za czymś
Oni są za propozycją budowy centrum odpoczynku
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be for
They are (all) for the proposal to build a leisure centre
Policja goniła złodzieja
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be after
The police were after the thief
be ill with something
być chorym na coś
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be down with something
expect something, usually bad
Spodziewamy się złej pogody
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be in for
We are in for bad weather
be absent from school/work
John nie jest w biurze. Nie ma go przez 2 dni.
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be off
John isn't in his office. He's off for two days
be shown on TV, at the cinema, theatre ect.
W Metro jest puszczany dobry film
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be on
There's a good film on at the Metro
be unfashionable
Długie spódniczki nie są w modzie tego sezonu
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be out
Long skirts are out this season
have stopped burning
Ogień zgasł, dlatego jest tak zimno tutaj
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be out
The fire is out - that's why it's cold in here
have come to an end
Film zaczyna się o 9 a kończy o 10
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be over
The film starts at 9 and will be over 10
have ended a relationship/job etc
Przeszłam przez związek z Tomem. Jest taki samolubny.
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be through with
I'm through with Tom, he's so selfish
be capable of something
Weźmy pociąg - Nie wydaje mi się żę mogę tak daleko jechać
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be up to
Let's take the train - I don't think I'm up to driving so far
feel like doing something, usually something wrong
Dzieci coś muszą coś kombinować - są bardzo ciche.
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be up to
The children must be up to something - they're very quiet.
stop working
Auto się zepsuła dlatego spuźniliśmy się na prom
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break down
The car broke down so we missed
lose control of feelings
Załamała się kiedy powidziano jej że jej tata jest martwy
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break down
She broke down when she was told her father was dead
fail (talks/negotiations etc)
Negocjacje się nie udały i wojna została ogłoszona
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break down
Negotiations broke down and war was declared
separate under headings
Podzielił listę na kategorie
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break down
He broke the list down into categories
enter by force or illegally
Włamywacze włamali się i ukradli moją birzuterię
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break in
Burglars broke in and stole my jewellery
enter by force
On włamał sie do will i ukradł trochę pieniędzy
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break into
He broke into the villa and stole some money
Przerwał im rozmowę aby czegoś się spytać
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break into
He broke into their conversation to ask something
end a relationship/agreement
Sue zakończyła swój związek z Jimem
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break off
Sue broke off her relationship with Jim
begin suddenly (war etc)
Wycuchła wojna między dwoma krajami
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break out
War broke out between the two countries
Żołnierze przedarli się przez linie wroga
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break through
The soldiers broke through the enemy lines
tell (usually bad news) to sb in a kind way
On musiał powiedzieć Johnowi złe informacje
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break something to somebody
He had to break the bad news to John
stop for holidays
Szkoły są zamknięte 23 z okazji Świąt
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break up
Schools break up on the 23rd for Christmas
end a relationship
Sue i Paul nie są już razem, zerwali ostatniego tygodnia
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break up
Sue and Paul are no longer together, they broke up last week
successfully communicate ideas
Nauczyciel przekazał swoją wiadomość używająć diagramów i zdjęć.
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get across/over
the teacher got his message across by using diagrams and photographs
continue despite difficulties
Ona daje sobie rade mimo wszystkich jej problemów
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get along
She is getting along fine despite all her problems
be on friendly terms with sb
Oni mają ze sobą dobre stosunki mimo ich różnic
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get along/on with sb
They get along with each other despite their differences
swallow with difficulty
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get down
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get down
recover possession of
Udało jej się odzyskać jej pierścionek który zgubiła dwa miesiące wcześniej
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get back something
She managed to get back the ring she had lost two months before
start doing something seriously
Pora na to abyś zabrał się za szukanie lepszej pracy
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get down to something
It's time you got down to looking for a better job
enter (bus, train etc)
Wsiądź do autobusu zanim odjecie
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get on
Get on the bus before it starts
make progress
On robi postępy w szkole
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get on
He's getting on well at school
radzić sobie finansowo
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get by
be on good terms with somebody
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get on with somebody
become known
Jak wiadomość o jego promocji stała się wiadoma
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get out
How did the new of his promotion get out?
recover from
On mocno próbuje dojść do siebie po śmierci jego żony
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get over
He's trying hard to get over the death of his wife
My w końcu przekonaliśmy go do naszego punktu widzenia
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get round
We eventually got him round to out point of view
find time to do sth
Jeszcze nie zabrałem się za pisanie tego listu
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get round to doing something
I haven't got round to writing that letter yet
finish (a piece of work)
Muszę skończyć ten rozdział zanim wyjdę
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get through something
I've got to get through this chapter before I go out
go on living through difficult times
Jak starsi ludzie mogą przetrwać zimną zimy
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get through
How can old people get through the cold winters
reach by phone
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get through to
rise from bed
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get up
Obiecaj że nie wyjawisz mojego sekretu
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give away
Promise not to give away my secret
give something free of charge
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give away
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give back
surrender, yield
on w końcu się poddał i przyznał że był w błędzie
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give in
He finally gave in and admitted he was wrong
emit (smells, heat, fumes etc)
Kaloryfery emitują duże ilośći ciepła
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give off
The radiators give off lots of heat
come to an end
Ich zasoby wyczerpały się w połowie ich wspinaczki
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give out
Their supplies gave out halfway through the climb
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give out
abandon an attempt/habit
Skończył z paleniem rok temu i nie zapalił od tego momentu
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give up
He gave up smoking last year and hasn't smoked since
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give up
Policjant gonił złodzieja i złapał go
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go after
The policeman went after the thief and caught him
be allowed to happen
Mimo iż kilku członków nie było, posiedzenie zarządu odbyło się zgodnie z planem
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go ahead
Although several members were absent, the board meeting went ahead as planned
stop, cease
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go away
break a promise
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go back on
base one's ideas on
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go by
become ill
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go down with
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go for
apply for (a job)
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go for
take part in (a competition)
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go in for
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go off
ring (alarm)
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go off
(of food) spoil
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go off
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go on
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go on
stop burning
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go out
examine details
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go over/through
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go over
be enough for everyone to have a share
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go round
(news/ disease) spread, circulate
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go round
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go through
(of a deal/ arrangement) be completed with success
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go through
discuss in detail
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go through
rise (prise)
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go up
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go with
endure the lack of something
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go without
(of clothes) lengthen
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let down
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let down
allow sb to enter a place
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let in(to)
not to punish
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let off
reveal a secret
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let on
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let out
(of clothes) make larger
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let out
become less strong
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let up
suit exactly
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be made for
go towards
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make for
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make out
write out, fill
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make out
give possession of sth to sb else
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make over
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make up
put cosmetics on
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make up
reconcile - pogodzić się
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make up
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make up for
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make up one's mind
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put aside/by
communicate successfully
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put across
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put away
put sb into prison/mental hospital
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put away
write down
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put/ take down
suppress forcibly
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put down
attribute to
Ona przypisuje jej ostatni sukces do ciężkiej pracy i dedykacji
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put down to something
She puts her recent success down to hard work and dedication
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put forward
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put off
dress oneself
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put on
increase (in weight)
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put on
cause to take place (show/performance)
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put on
extinguish (fire etc)
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put out
cause trouble
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put out
be annoyed
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be put out
connect by phone
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put through
erect, build
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put up
offer hospitality
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put up
show in public place
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put up
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put up with
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take after
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take away
cofnąć coś (co się wcześniej powiedziało)
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take back
identify wrongly
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take for
give accommodation
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take in
make clothes narrower
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take in
fully understand
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take in
remove clothes
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take off
(of planes) leave the ground
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take off
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take off
take time as a holiday
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take off
undertake work/responsibility
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take on
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take on
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take out
clean (mark, dirt)
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take out
gain control of something
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take over
begin a habit
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take to
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take to
begin a hobby, sport, job
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take up
fill (time, space)
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take up
be strongly surprised
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be taken aback
be deceived (być oszukany)
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be taken in
refuse admittance
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turn away
refuse an offer
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turn down
reduce loudness
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turn down
go to bed
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turn in
go to the police
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turn in
switch off
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turn off
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turn out
prove to be
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turn out
turn to a new page, change the TV channel
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turn over
go to sb for help/advice
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turn to
begin(a way of life or doing something)
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turn to
arrive or appear (unexpectedly)
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turn up
(of an opportunity) arise
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turn up

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