All about food

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Nienawidzę kroić cebuli.
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I hate cutting onions.
Nie lubię pić kawy.
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I don't like drinking coffee.
Dość lubię jeść płatki z jogurtem.
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I quite like eating cereal with yoghurt.
Gdzie jest sól i pieprz?
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Where is salt and pepper?
Ile mąki potrzebujemy?
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How much flour do we need?
Ile chcesz cukru?
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How much sugar do you want?
Ryby to moje ulubione jedzenie.
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Fish is my favourite food.
W piątki nie jemy mięsa.
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We don't eat meat on Fridays.
Tomek nie lubi ogórków.
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Tom doesn't like cucumbers.
Ona nie je lunchu w szkole.
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She doesn't have lunch at school.
Nie jem zupy.
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I don't eat soup.
Jak dużo ryżu chcesz?
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How much rise do you want?
Jego matka nie gotuje.
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His mother doesn't cook.
Nie wiem jak gotować.
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I don't know how to cook.
Pomieszaj sałatkę proszę.
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Mix the salad please!
obierać ziemniaki
Nie lubię obierać ziemniaków.
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peel potatoes
I don't like peeling potatoes.
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Ubij jajka!
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Beat the eggs!
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Anna i Chris nie idą teraz na zakupy.
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Anna and Chris don't go shopping now.
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W niedziele zazwyczaj nie przygotowuję obiadu.
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On Sundays, I don't usually prepare dinner.
Nie masz patelni?
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Don't you have a frying pan?
Potrzebuję trzepaczki do ubijania jajek.
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I need whisk to beat eggs.
kroić na plasterki
Potrzebujesz dobrego noża by pokroić duży świeży chleb.
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to slice
You need a good knife to slice a big fresh bread.
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to cut
Przygotowuję rybę z frytkami i warzywami.
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I'm preparing fish with chips and vegetables.
I jak to smakuje?
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And what does it taste like?
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to chop
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to fry
Gdzie jest łyżka?
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Where is a spoon?
To jest zdrowe i pyszne.
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This is heathy and delicious.
Kto chce tego skosztować?
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Who wants to taste it?
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nóż i widelec
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knife and fork

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