Akafe goen (Dialog) - Shopping (dialogues)

 0    13 schede    VocApp
Domanda Risposta
Kann ech mir Modellfligeren ukucken?
Komm mir kafe se.
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Can I take a look at the model aircrafts?
Let's buy them.
Ech wéilt gär dës Bléck kafen.
Ok. Lee se an den Akafsweenchen.
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I'd like to buy these blocks.
OK. Put them in the trolley.
Wéini gi mir an d'Geschäfter?
Brauchs du eppes fir d'Spillschoul?
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When are we going to the shops?
Do you need something for kindergarten?
Dierf ech e Fussball kafen?
Bon, vläicht net elo.
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Can I buy a football?
Well, perhaps not right now.
Ech wëll Bonbone mat mengem Täschegeld kafen.
Du hues net genuch...
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I want to buy some sweets with my pocket money.
You don't have enough...
Kënne mir Schockela kafen?
Bon, ok.
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Can we get some chocolate?
Well, OK.
+7 schede
La lezione è parte del corso
"Englesch fir Kanner"
(Un totale di 566 schede)

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