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This explanation is too far-fetched, I’m not buying it. inizia ad imparare
spotless room, The hotel’s impeccable cleanliness made our stay even more enjoyable. inizia ad imparare
silny, odporny psychicznie Her resilient nature helped her overcome many personal challenges and emerge stronger. inizia ad imparare
What you scribbled on the board is wholly illegible. inizia ad imparare
legible handwriting, illegible handwriting
Your happiness to some extent depends on your innate personality traits. inizia ad imparare
Prices can vary greatly depending on the location and demand. inizia ad imparare
You could smell sulphur on Mount Teide. inizia ad imparare
Tiede’s cable car upper station is located at 3,555 m altitude, and you need to hike to the summit from there. inizia ad imparare
You need a special permit if you want to hike Teide from the very bottom. inizia ad imparare
dokładnie przestrzegać instrukcji Well, we didn’t follow Google Maps instructions to the letter so we ended up going round the same roundabout 3 times. inizia ad imparare
follow instructions to the letter
The strike affected many blue collar workers who depend on factory jobs for their livelihoods. inizia ad imparare
As a white collar worker, she spends most of her day in meetings and working on projects at her desk. inizia ad imparare
Na dzisiaj starczy. To tyle na dziś. Make one more sentence and let’s call it a day. inizia ad imparare
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oblivious to, The students were oblivious to the teacher’s frustration as they kept chatting.
All predictions seem quite implausible, we don’t seem to have enough data to base them on. inizia ad imparare
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whereas, He works slowly and precisely whereas I tend to rush things and make mistakes.
przebrnąć, ledwo sobie poradzić inizia ad imparare
scrape through, I didn't study much for the exam, but I managed to scrape through with a passing grade.
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at your fingertips, Thanks to modern technology, the answer to almost any question is at your fingertips.
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at your disposal, With so many online courses at your disposal, learning a new skill has never been easier.
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waffle, Stop waffling and get to the point, we don’t have all day!
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acquire knowledge, gain knowledge, Through years of experience, he has acquired extensive knowledge in his field.
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you gave it to me, you passed it on to me, I caught it from you. You had a terrible cold last week, and now you’ve passed it on to me.
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juicer, One guy brought a juicer and buns.
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tangerines, mandarines, She packed some tangerines in her lunchbox for a quick energy boost.
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mousemat, I need to buy a new mousemat because mine is getting worn out.
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cope with, How do you cope with stress?
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wind down, He needed a few minutes to wind down after the intense meeting.
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My mind has gone blank. My mind is blank.
ukryty, podstawowy, ten pod spodem inizia ad imparare
underlying, We have to solve the underlying problem if we want to move with the project. The underlying rule here is to be obedient.
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lecture, University students attend lectures.
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set book, obligatory reading, Recently I read a set book called Balladyna.
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sleep in, I like to sleep in at the weekends.
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saddle, My bike needs a new saddle. Diana's never happier than when in the saddle, she just adores horse riding.
Kto rano wstaje, temu pan Bóg daje inizia ad imparare
The early bird catches the worm.
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Did you have a good night’s sleep?
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loaf, There are 8 of us in total so I think we need 2 loaves of bread.
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former capital city, ex capital city, previous capital city, former capital city, I’d say Madera’s former capital city is much more beautiful than it’s current one.
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cable car, cableway, Tiede’s cable car upper station is located at 3,555 m altitude, and you need to hike to the summit from there.
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Beware of pickpockets. Keep an eye on all valuable items.
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babble, She was babbling and her voice was breaking, that’s how I know that she was lying. I couldn't focus on my work with my coworkers babbling in the background.
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improbable, implausible. The story about pet sitting monkeys sounds extremely implausible.
poprawić test, poprawa testu inizia ad imparare
retake the test, This school year I had to retake the test only once. When is the retake? I’m not satisfied with my grade.
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famous for, Poland is famous for pierogi, the best food in the world.
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be keen on sth, I’m keen on team sports, especially basketball.
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succeed in, He succeeded in passing the exam with flying colours, despite not learning too much.
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to be fond of sth, I’m really fond of cream cakes, much more than of chocolate cakes.
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rely on, You can rely on me. I’m a very trustworthy person.
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to be alike, You and your twin sister are very alike. It’s hard to distinguish you from one another.
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to have a gut feeling, His gut feeling was that they would win the competition, and he was right!
moment trzymający w napięciu inizia ad imparare
cliffhanger, Every chapter of this book ends with a cliffhanger, that’s why it’s so difficult to put it down.
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suspense, Don’t keep me in suspense, tell me immediately what happened next.
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keep up, Slow down! I can’t walk that fast, I can’t keep up with you. Wiat, what happened after that? I couldn’t keep up with your story.
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out of spite, The baby on the plane was crying out of spite. I’m sure it wasn’t that upset.
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belly button, Taping your belly button helps with car sickness according to some people.
smycz na klucze, smycz na telefon inizia ad imparare
lanyard, I had my keys on the lanyard and I still managed to lose them.
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occupied, The toilet was occupied all the time, I don’t know what they were doing there. I've been so occupied with other things I've completely forgotten about it!
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departure, Dense fog delayed our departure five hours.