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window sill, Put this plant on the windowsill.
próbny egzamin
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mock exam, We had an 8th grade mock exam today.
nabijać się z kogoś, przedrzeźniać
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to mock sb, They were mocking him because he kept falling off his bike.
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disabled, The boy in the video is disabled and he needs a wheelchair.
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disability, She is deaf, but refuses to let her disability prevent her from doing what she wants to do. He is disabled. He is a person with a disability.
mieć chorobę lokomocyjną
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to be seasick, to be carsick, I can’t read in the car because I get carsick.
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examiner, In exam emails think like a default human. Otherwise the examiner might not understand you.
osiągnąć coś
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achieve, I’ve achieved many things. achieve your goal, achieve your dream. Well, I've been waiting for this moment all my life.
być dumnym z
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to take pride in sth, to be proud of sth, I take pride in the number of subscribers. I’m proud of the number of subscribers.
zbierać pieniądze
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raise money for charity, They are trying to raise money for dogs in shelters.
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poverty, The problems of poverty, homelessness and unemployment are all interconnected.
głaskać psa
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pet the dog, Can I pet this dog?
merdać ogonem
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wag a tail, Burek must be so happy, look how it’s wagging its tail!
ślepo za czymś podążać
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to follow sth blindly, I’m trying not to blindly follow trends.
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drive, hard drive, I need to get my hard drive fixed.
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occupation, In the space marked "occupation" she wrote "police officer".
być zajętym
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be occupied, The bathroom at the back of the plane was occupied, so I waited.
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entrepreneur, He’s an entrepreneur who made his money in computer software.
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dietician, If you suffer weight-loss problems, you can see advice from a dietician.
If I were rich, I would dream of becoming even more rich.
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If the frost was on Saturday, I could just stay at home.
osiągnąć cel
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achieve a goal, reach a goal, I’ve achieved most of the goals that I’ve set myself.
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investment, It is said that knowledge is the best investment.
dojeżdżać do pracy, dojeżdżać do szkoły
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to commute, Commute takes me about 30 minutes.
ludzie dojeżdżający do pracy, szkoły
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commuters, Many commuters were late today due to an accident.
wahać się
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hesitate, If you have any problems, don’t hesitate to email me.
jąkać się, zacinać się
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stutter, She stutters a little, so be patient and let her finish what she's saying.
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parachute, For whatever reason his parachute failed to open.
wieżowiec, drapacz chmur
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skyscraper, In Warsaw there are more skyscrapers than in Kraków.
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concrete, This road is made of concrete.
tandetny, kiczowaty
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cheesy, My guilty pleasure is watching cheesy romantic comedies.
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school office, When you feel ill, your parents have to call the school office and then you can go home.
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he’s real, he’s not a made up character
bluza sportowa
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sweatshirt, It’s too hot, I’m all sweaty in this warm sweatshirt.
zaczynać coś robić, angażować się
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get into sth, When did you first get into the writing? Tim never wanted to get into that business.
przewrócić się
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fall over, I was running and, I fell over and then I cut my knee.
być złym na kogoś
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be angry at sb, be angry with sb, I was angry at my parents. I was angry with my parents because they gave me only 15 minutes to pack up.
always+ routine =
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Present Simple I always have English lessons on Fridays. I always brush my teeth 1st thing in the morning.
always+annoying behaviour=
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Present Continuous Dad is always singing in the car – it’s really annoying! My brother is always eavesdropping on my English lessons. I can’t stand it!
owing to+ noun
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z powodu, I love this place owing to its beauty. I love this place owing to the fact that it’s beautiful. We didn't go to the beach, owing to the bad weather.
as a result
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As a result of the accident, he suffered permanent brain damage. In future, extreme weather events are likely to be worse and more frequent as a result of climate change.
therefore, she saved everything she earned. We were unable to get funding and therefore had to abandon the project.
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dlatego, zatem, She wanted to buy a computer
due to
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z powodu czegoś, dzięki czemuś, heT match had to be cancelled due to the rain. I passed this exam due to his help.

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