Agata 28th March

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zmywarka do naczyń
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a dishwasher
na świecie
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in the world
przenośna zmywarka
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a portable dishwasher
zmywać naczynia
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to wash the dishes / to do the dishes
robić pranie
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to do the laundry
włączyć pralkę
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to put a washing machine on
Czy możesz włączyć czajnik?
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Can you please put the kettle on?
Zapomniałem włączyć pralkę.
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I forgot to put the washing machine on.
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to develop
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wyścig szczurów
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a rat race
zdrowie psychiczne
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mental health
dużo lepiej
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much better
dużo łatwiej
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much easier
To auto jest dużo droższe.
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This car is much more expensive.
Oni są znacznie wyżsi.
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They are much taller.
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a moth
On poznał tam wielu przyjaciół.
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He made there a lot / lots of friends.
wiele pytań
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a lot of questions / lots of quiestions
Ona zawsze ma mnóstwo pytań.
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She always has heaps of questions.
Czyj to telefon?
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Whose phone is it?
Czyje to są buty?
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Whose shoes are these? / Whose shoes are they?
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a course
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of course
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a curse
przeklęta pielęgniarka
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a cursed nurse
Jeśli będzie ładna pogoda, pójdziemy na spacer.
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If the weather is nice, we'll go for a walk.
wyprowadzać psa na spacer
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to walk a dog
Wielki Piątek
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Good Friday
Wielka Sobota
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Easter Saturday / Holy Saturday
Niedziela Wielkanocna
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Easter Sunday
Poniedziałek Wielkanocny
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Easter Monday
przed pójściem spać
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before you go to sleep / before going to sleep
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Dokąd jedziesz?
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Where are you off to? / Where are you going?
Jestem w drodze do Warszawy.
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I'm on MY way to Warsaw.
przerywa (o połączeniu)
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it's breaking up
On jest w drodze do Niemiec.
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He's on his way to Germany.
w autobusie
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ON the bus
w pociągu
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ON the train
w samolocie
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ON the plane
w samochodzie
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IN the car

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