Agata 27th April (45 min)

 0    31 schede    pkempkiewicz
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Domanda Risposta
wyjść na miasto, wyjść z domu
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to go out and about
Wyglądam na nastolatkę.
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I look like a teenager.
Mam przeczucie, że on kłamie.
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My gut feeling is telling me that he's lying.
w moim przypadku
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in my case
Jestem w ciąży.
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I'm pregnant.
Do NOT say IN pregant.
Jestem w ósmym miesiącu ciąży.
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I'm 8 weeks pregnant.
Bawiliśmy się fantastycznie.
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We had a blast. / We had a ball.
Był tylko jeden mężczyzna.
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There WAS only one man.
Były dwie kobiety.
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There WERE two women.
W moim pokoju jest duże okno.
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There IS a big window in my room.
W jego kuchni są trzy krzesła.
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There ARE three chairs in his kitchen.
za mało cukru
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too little sugar
Mamy za mało czasu.
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We have too little time.
zbyt mało położnych
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too few midwives
łącznie ze mną
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including me
pod koniec imprezy
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at the end of the party
na imprezie
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at the party
najgorsza rzecz
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THE worst thing
Piotrek podrzucił swoją mamę na przystanek autobusowy.
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Piotrek dropped off his mum at the bus station.
Nasi sąsiedzi wpadli (z wizytą).
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Our neighbours came over.
Do you want to come over on Friday evening?
Ron came over FOR dinner the other night.
a potem
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and then
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to grab sth
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to bite - bit - bitten
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to minie
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it will pass
dla bezpieczeństwa; na wszelki wypadek
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to be on the safe side
To be on the safe side, let's take an umbrella.
sstarsi ludzie
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uprawiać sztuki walki
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to do martial arts
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an avocado
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definitely / defo
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breakfast / brekkie

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