Agata 16th Jan (45 min)

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najważniejsze / najciekawsze wydarzenia
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Pojechaliśmy do Wilna.
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We went to Vilnius.
Don't say: We were in Vilnius.
być zaskoczonym czymś / kimś
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to be surprised at/by sb/sth
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to decorate
to decorate a Christmas tree
na wysokim poziomie
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the next level
This new restaurant in town takes pizza to the next level with its creative toppings.
Her presentation skills were the next level - everyone was blown away!
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przesłać coś do kogoś
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to forward sth to sb
Please forward any updates you receive about the project.
I'll forward your email to the team so they can review the details.
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te rzeczy
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these things
w mieście / w centrum
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in the city
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a menu
Nie przepadam (za tym).
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I'm not a fan.
placki ziemniaczane
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hash browns
w porównaniu do czegoś
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compared to sth/sb
Compared to other cities, this one has a lower cost of living.
The weather today is much warmer compared to yesterday.
Warto spróbować.
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It's worth trying.
Wilno jest warte zobaczenia / odwiedzenia.
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Vilnius is worth seeing / visiting.
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miejsce wielokulturowe, tygiel
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a melting pot
New York City is known as a melting pot, where people from all cultures and backgrounds live together.
z drugiej strony
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on the other hand
On the one hand they'd love to have kids, but on the other, they don't want to give up their freedom.
I love living in the city because of all the amenities. On the other hand, it can be noisy and crowded.
zrób to
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dostać awans
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to get promoted
If you keep showing initiative, you'll definitely get promoted soon.
After working hard for years, John finally got promoted to manager.
jeden z naszych działów
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one of our departmentS
być zakochanym w kimś po uszy
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to be head over heels in love with sb
być zakochanym w kimś
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to be in love with sb
zakochać się w kimś
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to fall in love with sb
fall - fell - fallen
zachęcać kogoś do zrobienia czegoś
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to encourage sb to do sth
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w szkole podstawowej
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in primary school
niedługo, w krótkim czasie
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in no time
With the new software, I can finish my tasks in no time.
he project was completed in no time thanks to the team's hard work.
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czas pokaże
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time will tell
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He was feeling a little edgy about the whole thing.
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deputy rector
W pracy
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AT work
*at MY work* is used when you want to specifically refer to your own job or place of employment, but it’s less commonly used than *at work*

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