Agafant un bus o un tren - Taking a bus or a train

 0    20 schede    VocApp
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Podria dir-me quan em baixaré?
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Could you please tell me when to get off?
On és la taquilla?
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Where is the ticket office?
A quina hora pasa el proper tren cap al centre de la ciutat?
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What time is the next train to the city center?
Está libre este asiento?
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Is this seat free?
El conductor de l’autobús no s’atura allà. He de prendre un altre autobús.
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The bus driver doesn't stop there. I have to take another bus.
On són les màquines d'entrades?
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Where are the ticket machines?
On és l'estació d'autobusos?
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Where is the bus station?
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