Adrian 31st Jan

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Domanda Risposta
Poszedłem umyć zęby.
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I went TO brush my teeth.
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Muszę odrobić pracę domową.
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I have TO do my homework.
Muszę pomóc mamie.
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I have to help my mum.
Ona musi sprzedać samochód.
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She has to sell her car.
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to sell - sold - sold
Sprzedaliśmy nasz dom dwa miesiące temu.
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We sold our house two months ago.
On musi kupić nowy rower.
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He has to buy a new bike.
Nie muszę pomagać mojemu bratu.
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I don't have to help my brother.
Ona nie musi odrabiać pracy domowej.
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She doesn't have to do her homework.
On nie musi sprzedawać samochodu.
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He doesn't have to sell his car.
Dlaczego musisz iść do domu?
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Why do you have to go home?
Czy ona musi teraz odrobić pracę domową?
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Does she have to do her homework now?
Czy twoi rodzice muszą jechać do Niemiec w ten weekend?
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Do your parents have to go to Germany this weekend?
Wczoraj obejrzałem film o słoniu. Słoń mieszka w zoo.
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Yesterday I watched a video about an elephant. The elephant lives in the zoo.
Małpa próbowała znaleźć swoją mamę.
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The monkey tried to FIND its / his / her mum.
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Enjoy your meal! / Enjoy. / Bon appetit.

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