Adrian 14th Oct

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Jaką mamy datę?
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What date is it?
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the 5th
piętnasty września
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the 15th of September
dwudziesty maja
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the 20th of May
Kiedy masz urodziny? / Kiedy są twoje urodziny?
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When is your birthday?
Moje urodziny są dwudziestego siódmego maja.
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My birthday is ON the 27th of May.
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THE 1st / first
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THE 2nd / second
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the 3rd / third
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the 4th
Jej urodziny są dwudziestego pierwszego sierpnia.
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Her birthday is on the 21st of August.
Wstałem o siódmej.
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I got up at 7.
Poszedłem spać o 10:30.
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I went TO sleep / I went TO bed at half past ten.

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