adjective+ prepositions 1

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przyzwyczajony do
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accustomed to peace and quite, getting up late, so much noise
bać się
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afraid of the dark, making a mistake, saying something silly
wstydzić się
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ashamed of yourself, what I've done, doing a think like that,
być świadomym
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aware of a strange smell, people staring, looking rather untidy,
zdolny do
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capable of high speeds, working fast, anything
zależny od
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dependent on imports, how to feels, what happens
słynny z
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famous for its museums, making pottery, his paintings,
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full of pride, fun, dark green liquid
dobry w
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good at her job, adding up, English
zazdrosny o
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jealous of what other people do, her rich friends,
dumny z
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proud of her grandson, his work, what he's done
gotowy na
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ready for anything, bed, the next question
istotne dla
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relevant to the argument, our discussion, the problem
odpowiedzialny za
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responsible for the equipment, making a mess,
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typical of the region, the way he acts, people who...

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