Activity 1 How to greet people informally

 0    7 schede    maksborysowski
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Domanda Risposta
Alright, mate!
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Cześć, kumplu!
Hi Jane!
Saying hello
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Cześć Jane!
Saying hello
How you doing?
Asking someone how they are
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Jak się masz?
Asking someone how they are
You alright?
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Jak się masz? Wszystko w porządku?
Not bad, not bad!
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Nieźle, nieźle!
How about you?
Returning the question when someone has asked if you are well
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A u ciebie?
Returning the question when someone has asked if you are well
What about you?
Returning the question when someone has asked if you are well
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A ty?
Returning the question when someone has asked if you are well

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