action 3

 0    22 schede    Muzgojeb
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Domanda American English Risposta American English
He propped his bike against the wall.
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He propped his bike against the wall.
They had to prop up the tree with long poles under the branches
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They had to prop up the tree with long poles under the branches
She took a small step back into the room.
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She took a small step back into the room.
There’s a subtle difference: Fall to the ground implies that the fall was from a considerable height. Fall on the ground means a short fall...
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There’s a subtle difference: Fall to the ground implies that the fall was from a considerable height. Fall on the ground means a short fall...
She reaches inside the leather satchel and removes a pen.
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She reaches inside the leather satchel and removes a pen.
He dangled his legs over the edge of the cliff.
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He dangled his legs over the edge of the cliff.
He tossed his head and flounced out of the room.
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He tossed his head and flounced out of the room.
A slight breeze was stirring the branches
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A slight breeze was stirring the branches
She turned away and muttered something unintelligible.
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She turned away and muttered something unintelligible.
She sidled up to me and whispered something in my ear.
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She sidled up to me and whispered something in my ear.
The dog cowered in the corner, realizing she’d done something wrong.
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The dog cowered in the corner, realizing she’d done something wrong.
He took off his shoes and entered the house.
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He took off his shoes and entered the house.
The old woman brought some sticks of wood and lit the fire, and bade her guest draw near and warm himself.
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The old woman brought some sticks of wood and lit the fire, and bade her guest draw near and warm himself
At last the wood gave out, and as the fire died slowly down he began to shiver with cold just as he had done when he arrived.
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At last the wood gave out, and as the fire died slowly down he began to shiver with cold just as he had done when he arrived.
We caught her peeping through the keyhole.
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We caught her peeping through the keyhole.
Whatever happens don't peep into the back room.
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Whatever happens don't peep into the back room.
He got up and began to move slowly towards the back room.
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He got up and began to move slowly towards the back room.
With these words he got up on his feet and stealthily crept towards the forbidden spot.
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With these words he got up on his feet and stealthily crept towards the forbidden spot.
With trembling hands he pushed back the sliding door and looked in.
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With trembling hands he pushed back the sliding door and looked in.
He fell backwards with horror and for some time lay with fright on the floor.
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He fell backwards with horror and for some time lay with fright on the floor.
He trembled all over and his teeth chattered.
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He trembled all over and his teeth chattered
Snatching up his hat and staff, he rushed out of the house as fast as his legs could carry him.
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Snatching up his hat and staff, he rushed out of the house as fast as his legs could carry him.

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