Academic style

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It can be argued that...
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Można argumentować, że...
It is also worth nothing that...
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Warto zauważyć, że...
It is evident...
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Jest oczywiste...
What is more...
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Co więcej...
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Co więcej...
due to
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due to the fact that
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ze względu na fakt, że
because of
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z powodu
so that
Due to the storm, the pilot decided to turn back, so that the flight would not be jeopardized.
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tak, że
It is a fact that
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faktem jest, że
in fact
It is, in fact, under the butter.
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w rzeczywistości
Jest to w rzeczywistości w maśle.
For instance
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Na przykład
For example
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Na przykład
It is popular believed that
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Powszechnie uważa się, że to
In other words
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Innymi słowy
Neither ... nor
Neither smoking nor consuming too much alcohol are considered healthy.
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Ani ... ani

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