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zdolny (do)
Do you are able to have children?
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I'm not able to have children of my own.
za granicą
Did he return from abroad?
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He returned from abroad.
przyjmować, akceptować
Do you accept credit cards?
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Yes, we accept visa.
według czegoś
What is robbery according to the law?
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according to
Well, according to the law, it's a crime.
osiągać, spełniać/ osiągnięcie
Have you achieved all your dreams? Yes
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achieve/ achievements
I achieved all my dreams due to my trainings.
Can I touch this acid?
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Don't touch this acid, it is very strong.
dostosować, modyfikować
Is it hard for you to adjust to a new place?
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I adjust to new places very easily.
niekorzystny, szkodliwy
Which has an adverse effect on the human body
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To much fat have adverse influence to human body
Do you admit is he a strange person?
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I must admit he is a strange person.
przewaga, zaleta
What are you adventages?
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My best adventages is empathy.
sprawa, romans
What was the reason for the fall of the government?
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The affair led to the collapse of the government.
pozwalać sobie na coś
Can you afford to buy new laptop?
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I can't afford to buy a new computer.
Do you have anything planned for this afternoon?
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No, I don't.
przeciwko, wbrew
Did you vote against this idea?
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I voted against this idea.
cel, celować
Did she aim at me?
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She aimed her finger at me.
Did you only eat one cookie?
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I ate one cookie alone!
Does he know the true already?
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He already knows the truth.
mimo że, aczkolwiek
Do yuo like her?
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Although she is nice, I don't like her that much.
pośród, między
Are you an alien among them?
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I am a foreigner among the natives.
zabawić, rozśmieszyć/ rozrywka
How does he amuse you?
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He amused us by his anecdotes.
wiekowy, starożytny
Did you see something ancient in the museum?
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I saw an ancient sword in the museum.
What has they announced finally?
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Tom and Mary have finally announced their engagement.
widocznie, najwyraźniej
Did he have a notes?
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He had no notes - apparently he needed none.
aplikować, mieć zastosowanie, przyklejać/wniosek
What she is applying?
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apply/ application
She always applies two layers of sunscreen.
wyznaczyć, mianować / wizyta, spotkanie
Did you appoint the weddig's date?
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appoint, appoint / visit, appointment
We appointed the date for our wedding.
odpowiedni, właściwy / przywłaszczać
Is this film appropriate to children?
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appropriate, appropriate / appropriate
That film is not appropriate for children.
zbliżać się, podejść (do kogoś lub problemu), podejście
Can I approach to the cages?
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Don't approach the cages, our monkeys are aggressive.
ręka (ramię), zbroić
Are our country arming?
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I heard our country is arming itself for the war.
Will you come ASAP?
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(as soon as possible)
I will come as soon as possible.
aspekt, położenie (ustawienie)
Did you think about aspect of this situation?
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I have to think of every aspect of this situation.
Where did he assassinate she?
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He assassinated his wife in their house.
nastrój, atmosfera (ziemska)
What's the atmosphere like here?
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There's always a nice atmosphere.
przytwierdzać, załączać / przywiązanie, załącznik
Did he feel attachment to her?
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attach, attach / attach, attachment
He felt a strong attachment to her.
nastawienie, postawa
What is your attitude to this case?
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I have a negative attitude to this problem.
władze/ władza autorytet, pozwolenie
What do you think about our authorities?
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I thing, our authorities are incompetent.
przeciętny, średnia, uśredniać/ przeciętnie, średnio
On average, do men or women say more?
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average/ on average
On average, women talk more than men.
świadomy, poinformowany
Do you are aware of risk?
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I'm fully aware of the risk involved in this.

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