99% Invisible

 0    19 schede    adriankowalczyk9
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zatrudniać, najmować
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to begin to employ someone
We hired a new secretary last week.
sala konferencyjna
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a room where the people who control a company or organization have meetings
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a sudden period of noise and confused or excited movement
He looked up to see what all the commotion was about.
trwać, ciągnąć się
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go on
to last for a particular period of time
The film seemed to go on forever.
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extremely bad
disastrous consequences
drobny, pomniejszy
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not important or serious
a minor offence
dosyć, raczej
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quite, but not extremely (informal)
I'm pretty sure they'll accept.
prawie (całkiem)
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pretty much/well
almost (informal)
We've pretty much finished here.
wpaść na kogoś
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bump into sb
to meet someone you know when you have not planned to meet them
I bumped into an old school friend in town today.
cecha, atrakcja, możliwość
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a typical quality, or important part of something
This phone has several new features.
na pewno
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used to emphasize something and show that there is no doubt about it
"Are your parents paying for dinner?" "I certainly hope so."
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used to agree to a request
"Could you pass the salt, please?" "Certainly."
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that can be pulled back or in
The house has a swimming pool with a retractable roof.
właściwy, odpowiedni
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correct or suitable [always before noun ]
the proper way to do something
oprócz, z wyjątkiem
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apart from
except for
Apart from Jodie, who hurt her leg, all the children were fine.
irytować, rozwścieczyć
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to make someone very angry
What really infuriated me was the fact that he'd lied.
znieść coś z powierzchni ziemi
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wipe sth out
to destroy something completely
The earthquake wiped out many villages.
być lub stanąć po czyjejś stronie
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side with sb
to support one person or group in an argument
If ever there was any sort of argument, she'd always side with my father.
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heaving the real or orginal meaning of a word or phrase
They were responsible for literally milions of deaths.

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