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dumny ze
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I'm immensely <proud of> my daughter after her exam results.
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The whole school <assembled> for the headmaster's speech.
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Brian is my <pal> from school.
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Brian failed his civil law exam and has to <resit> it today.
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Children below the age of 10 should not be left alone in the classroom without a teacher's <supervision>.
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The <cranky> professor made the pupils write an essay about each battle he taught them.
programie nauczania
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Unfortunately, computer science was not in the <curriculum> yet when I was at school.
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Everybody stay in your seats until the end of the test to avoid <confusion>.
poradziłaś sobie
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How did you <manage> with this exercise, Jane?
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He has picked up the <rudiments> of the English language, but not enough to communicate fluently.
budzącą respekt
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My school headmaster had a really <formidable> personality - I was always afraid to speak to him.
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Jim won't come tonight - he's <swotting> for his geography exam.
ukończył kurs
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He <did a course in> landscape design.
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The upper age limit for <entrants> to this competition is 18.
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His son's poor results at school were a source of <embarrassment> for Justin.
prywatna szkoła
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This <private school> is very expensive but it's the best.
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John has always been an <exemplary> student and a pride of his school.
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We'll <put> this discussion <aside> for another occasion.
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She <backed> him <up> when the teacher accused him of stealing the phone.
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He got quite <anxious> before the exam.
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John graduated from a <prestigious> French university.
wyższe wykształcenie
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Pete is the first person in his family to continue with his <higher education>.
ustanawia zły przykład
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His behaviour <sets a bad example> for other students.
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How much time should I <assign> for the presentation?
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She started her <postgraduate> studies in marketing last year.
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<Frankly> speaking I'm very disappointed with your homework.
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In America, students are severely punished for <cheating> during exams.
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The teacher <took in> all the tests.
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She left the exam hall <apparently> pleased with herself.
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You should <supervise> those children, make sure they do some work.

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