8 - Predictions

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verbos modales
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modal verbs
Él puede encontrar ... (no seguro)
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He MAY find... (not sure)
Él podría encontrar ... (no seguro)
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He MIGHT find... (not sure)
Él encontrará (seguro)
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He WILL find (sure)
Él NO encontrará ... (seguro)
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He WON'T find... (sure)
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QUIZÁS seas tú
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PERHAPS it will be you
QUIZÁS / TAL VEZ sea usted
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MAYBE it will be you
El ganador POSIBLEMENTE no visitará la estación espacial
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The winner POSSIBLY won't visit the space station
POSIBLEMENTE /TAL VEZ aprobaré mis exámenes
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I will POSSIBLY pass my exams
PROBABLEMENTE aprobaré mis exámenes
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I will PROBABLY pass my exams
CIERTAMENTE / SIN DUDA aprobaré mis exámenes
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I will CERTAINLY pass my exams
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I will DEFINITELY pass my exams

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