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Zamieniłem się z Johnem
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I switched with John
Rozmawiałem z moimi kolegami.
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I spoke to my colleagues.
odłączyć; rozłączyć
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zasoby finansowe
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financial resources
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założyć firmę; skonfigurować telefon
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to set up a business; to set up the phone
Ile to zajmie?
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How long will this take?
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national emblem
C wynosi więcej niż A i B razem wzięte
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C is more tha A and B combined
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on waży mniej
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he weighs less
obrócić głowę
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to turn sb's head
teoria spiskowa
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conspiracy theory; plot theory
układać puzzle
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to do a puzzle
Netflix powoli nam się nudzi
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we are slowly getting bored with Netflix

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