Read the predictions about the future of English. inizia ad imparare
Underline the correct alternatives.
(?) English is still the dominant language on the internet, other languages (like Mandarin, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese) will become increasingly important. inizia ad imparare
While English is still the dominant language on the internet, other languages (like Mandarin, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese) will become increasingly important.
(?) 27.3 percent of internet users are English speakers, this number is closely followed by Chinese speakers (22.6 percent). inizia ad imparare
Although 27.3 percent of internet users are English speakers, this number is closely followed by Chinese speakers (22.6 percent).
(?) we may find it hard to believe, the global language of the future might be Chinese or Arabic. inizia ad imparare
Though we may find it hard to believe, the global language of the future might be Chinese or Arabic.
(?) for students, in the future many school and university subjects are likely to be taught in English, using English materials. Difficult though it may be/Strange as it seemed inizia ad imparare
Difficult though it may be for students, in the future many school and university subjects are likely to be taught in English, using English materials. Difficult though it may be
(?) way you look at it, children need to start learning English when they are as young as possible. inizia ad imparare
Whichever way you look at it, children need to start learning English when they are as young as possible.
(?) increasing numbers of English speakers, the global predominance of English is likely to change. inizia ad imparare
In spite of increasing numbers of English speakers, the global predominance of English is likely to change.
(?) being able to use simultaneous translation on their phones to speak to each other, people will still want to learn another language. inizia ad imparare
Despite being able to use simultaneous translation on their phones to speak to each other, people will still want to learn another language.
(?) people continue to use English to communicate on the internet, the language itself will continue to change. inizia ad imparare
Whilst people continue to use English to communicate on the internet, the language itself will continue to change.
Use the rule to help you identify the main clauses and concession clauses in sentences above Concession clauses are used to introduce information which contrasts with information in the main clause. inizia ad imparare
In each case, the concession clause is the clause which is introduced by the phrase in italics. The other clause is the main clause.
What punctuation separates the clauses? inizia ad imparare
Do the linkers in italics introduce the main clause or the concession clause? inizia ad imparare
Most of the linkers in italics are followed by a verb clause. Which two are followed by a noun/-ing form? inizia ad imparare
Complete the sentences with the words in the box. inizia ad imparare
however, despite, although, as, whenever, whereas, matter, spite
American cars are generally too large for the Japanese market, (?) Japanese cars are popular in the USA. however, despite, although, as, whenever, whereas, matter, spite inizia ad imparare
American cars are generally too large for the Japanese market, whereas Japanese cars are popular in the USA.
Hard (?) she tried, she couldn't get the door open. however, despite, although, as, whenever, whereas, matter, spite inizia ad imparare
Hard as she tried, she couldn't get the door open.
No (?) how difficult it is, I'm determined to do my best. however, despite, although, as, whenever, whereas, matter, spite inizia ad imparare
No matter how difficult it is, I'm determined to do my best.
They explained that we could leave (?) we wanted to. however, despite, although, as, whenever, whereas, matter, spite inizia ad imparare
They explained that we could leave whenever we wanted to.
She went to Spain (?) the fact that her doctor had told her to rest. however, despite, although, as, whenever, whereas, matter, spite inizia ad imparare
She went to Spain despite the fact that her doctor had told her to rest.
We went out in (?) of the rain. however, despite, although, as, whenever, whereas, matter, spite inizia ad imparare
We went out in spite of the rain.
I really want the car, (?) much it costs. however, despite, although, as, whenever, whereas, matter, spite inizia ad imparare
I really want the car, however much it costs.
We decided to take the room, (?) we knew we couldn't really afford the rent. however, despite, although, as, whenever, whereas, matter, spite inizia ad imparare
We decided to take the room, although we knew we couldn't really afford the rent.
Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. inizia ad imparare
Write one or two sentences.
I spend too much time on the internet. I Know that it's bad for me. inizia ad imparare
Despite knowing that it's bad for me, I spend too much time on the internet.
My grandmother is still fully independent. She is nearly ninety-six years old. inizia ad imparare
Even though my grandmother/she is nearly ninety-six years old, she/my grandmother is still fully independent.
He's an excellent manager. He can be a bit scary to work for. inizia ad imparare
He's an excellent manager, although he can be a bit scary to work for.
They tried hard. They couldn't persuade him to give up his work. inizia ad imparare
Hard as they tried, they couldn't persuade him to give up his work.
I understand how difficult the situation is. I'm afraid I can't help. inizia ad imparare
Whilst I understand how difficult the situation is, I'm afraid I can't help.
He's very charming. I wouldn't trust him at all. inizia ad imparare
He's very charming, however I wouldn't trust him at all.
Write one sentence to connect each pair of ideas. inizia ad imparare
Use the words in brackets. Think carefully about the punctuation.
I always try to speak to people in their local language/I don't speak it very well. inizia ad imparare
I always try to speak to people in their local language, even if I don't speak it very well.
I spend a lot of time studying grammar / I still make mistakes. inizia ad imparare
I spend a lot of time studying grammar, though I still make mistakes.
It is difficult / I always try to believe what people tell me. inizia ad imparare
Difficult though it may be, I always try to believe what people tell me.
It doesn't matter which way you look at it / technology is changing education. inizia ad imparare
However you look at it, technology is changing education.
I agree that English is important / I think students need to learn several languages. inizia ad imparare
While I agree that English is important, I think students need to learn several languages.
It may seem strange / I find it hard to remember facts and figures. inizia ad imparare
Strange as it may seem, I find it hard to remember facts and figures.
It is a fact that I enjoy travelling / I don't get the opportunity very often. inizia ad imparare
Despite the fact that I enjoy travelling, I don't get the opportunity very often.
Learning a language is difficult / it doesn't matter which method you choose. inizia ad imparare
Learning a language is difficult, whichever method you choose.