6.12 II Ang

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Domanda Risposta
to come up
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pojawić się, np. jakiś pomysł
New Year’s Eve
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wcześniejszy, uprzedni
I should HAVE reacted quicker.
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powinnam była zareagować szybciej
Bitter Lamentations
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gorzkie żale
to be at ease
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być zrelaksowanym
It’s no wonder that
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nic dziwnego...
to assign sth to sb
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przypisać do sb sth
All our employees contribute to the success of the company.
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dołożyć się, mieć wkład
Creativity is one of the intangibles we need to look for in a good employee.
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rzecz trudna do opisania, nienamacalna
I'm impressed by her business acumen
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bystrość, przenikliwość
Even though he runs a successful company, his lifestyle's been frugal for many years.
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oszczędny, prosty, skromny
The perks include a company car and mobile phone.
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dodatek do wynagrodzenia
My appraisal's next week and I'm a bit stressed.
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ocena pracownika
keep sb in the loop
How can you expect your team to understand the situation if you don't keep them in the loop!
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informować kogoś (o ważnych sprawach albo decyzjach)

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