Domanda |
Risposta |
Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, Physical Evidence inizia ad imparare
Customer Needs, Cost to Satisfy, Convenience, Communication inizia ad imparare
Cost factors, Market factors, Technology factors, Global business cycle inizia ad imparare
Forces driving globalization
1. Recovery, growth, recession, depression inizia ad imparare
Organization by function, by product, by customer type, by geographical area inizia ad imparare
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The job is finished and there is a public recognation
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Providing someone with the tools and skills to do something.
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Giving people more control over their work
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Public recognition and thanks from others after being successful.
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When we have the recognition and respect of others, it adds greatly to our feeling of being valued and important.
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Stylish, attractive, and modern in appearance (odlotowy)
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Oblężony, In a difficult situation; surrounded by problems or under constant pressure.
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Do remontu, To completely examine and make necessary changes or repairs to improve something
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Nudny rynek akcji, A stock market that is inactive, with little trading or excitement, and minimal price changes
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Los, A sense of unavoidable destruction, failure, or disaster
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Być zwolnionym z, To be free from an obligation, rule, or requirement that others must follow
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group of related products
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the total collection of all product lines
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using the same components
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standaryzacja, restricted variety
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using sub-componetns that can bez put together in diffrent combinaions
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time taken from concept to the launch
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wprowadzenie etapowe, phased introduction
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Czas realizacji zamówienia, The time spent between the customer placing an order and receiving delivery.
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Krótki opis koncepcji, An initial idea for a new product that describes its form, function, purpose, and benefits
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Wykonalność, The chance of something happening or being successful.
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Słaby punkt, The chance of damage or harm to something.
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Pierwszy poziom, an organization’s immediate suppliers.
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Dostarczanie, Equals ‘sourcing’ (finding suppliers) + ‘purchasing’ (buying)
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Sprzedawca, A close synonym of ‘supplier’, more common in American usage.
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Kompetencje kluczowe, The key areas of technical expertise that a company has.
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A high level of productivity inizia ad imparare
Wysoki poziom produktywności
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A frequently updated product range inizia ad imparare
Często aktualizowana gama produktów
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Draw up a bill of materials inizia ad imparare
Sporządź wykaz materiałów
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Zmniejsz złożoność projektu
Migrate an operation to the web inizia ad imparare
Migracja operacji do sieci
Put upward pressure on prices inizia ad imparare
Wywieranie presji na wzrost cen
Have a competitive advantage inizia ad imparare
Mieć przewagę konkurencyjną
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Carry out a feasibility study inizia ad imparare
Przeprowadzić analizę wykonalności
Turn an initial idea into a concept brief inizia ad imparare
Przekształć początkowy pomysł w konceptualny opis
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We use chip-and-PIN cash registers in our stores, and inventory information is automatically updated
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We manufacture a wide range of cars, but a lot of the engine parts are the same – it makes maintenance much easier
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Yes, in theory it could be a successful product, but in practice we don’t have the capacity or the resources
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f we place a large order we’ll get a much better price
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Which shipping company will we use? And when can we get the containers to the port?
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They make sub-assemblies for PCs in high volume, and then put them together according to the customer’s own spec
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'We’ve got to build a working model and test it properly before we can go into production
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There’s a smart memory chip embedded into every item. We know exactly where it is in the store, as well as where and when it was made
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We should be ready to launch in the spring: first in France and then in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria
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The brainstorming session was useful, but a lot of these ideas just won’t work in practice
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'It’s a successful formula. Wherever you go in the world, we sell the same burgers prepared in the same way.'
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'How much money could we lose if things don’t go according to plan?'
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The software can also compile a list of materials and quantities needed. inizia ad imparare
The computer is hooked up directly to the machine tools. inizia ad imparare
Machine tool actions include cutting, shaping, turning, drilling. inizia ad imparare
The technician spent hours welding the metal pieces together to ensure the structure was strong and secure inizia ad imparare
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Wyrafinowany, Skomplikowany i zaawansowany w konstrukcji
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Complicated and advanced in design
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Predictable / anticipated
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Punishments for breaking a rule or contract
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Easy to understand or use
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The price someone will charge you for a piece of work
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Additional amount of money you must pay
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Making an amount fall to a lower level in an aggressive way
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Period of time (‘term’ can also be used in this expression)
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Difficulties that stop the progress of a project are called...
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All the people with an interest in the success of a project are collectively called
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Wykres Gantta, Wizualna ilustracja różnych faz i działań w projekcie
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A visual illustration of the different phases and activities in a project is called
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Before you sign a contract, it’s very important to read the
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The events that mark the key stages in a project are called
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The factors that limit your actions, such as time and cost, are called.
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If a project is "on ......." it is going according to plan