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have a rest
let's have a little rest
miejscowość wypoczynkowa
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holiday resort
we ve been at a holiday resort in egypt
talia kart
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Pack of cards
jeździć na rowerze
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ride a bike
sterować żaglówka
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sail a boat
you have to pass exam to sail a boat
zamek z piasku
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sand castle
they build sand castle on the beach
piaszczysta plaża
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Sandy beach
życie towarzyskie
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social life
spędzić trochę czasu
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spend some time
I d like to spend sone time with Ola
robić zdjęcie
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take a photo
let's take a photo
ferie zimowe
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winter holidays
when did you spend winter holidays
rzucić nałóg
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break a habbit
IT is never to late brak a habbit
wspinać się
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you should do more exercise to build up your strengh
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the match attracted thousand people
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she didnt qulify to the semi finals
łapać piłkę
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catch a ball
only have to do is catch a ball
pobić rekord
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break a record
regularne ćwiczenia
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regular exercise
tegular exercise help you keep fit
sporty wodne
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Water Sports
I AM not a fun water sports

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