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postanowienie noworoczne
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New Years resolution
powinieneś być bardziej otwarty na innych ludzi
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you should be more open to other people
najbliższy cel
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the nearest goal
uda mi się
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I will make it
wymieniałam emaile z moimi przełożonymi
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I was exchanging emails with my superiors
mam napisane 3 rozdziały
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I have 3 chapters written
przykuwać uwage
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attract attention
kolejnego dnia
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the next day
nie mam na ten temat opini
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I have no opinion on this
syrop klonowy
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Maple syrup
czy on dzwoni do ciebie każdego dnia?
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does he call you every day?
czy to twoje buty?
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are these your shoes?
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call back
czy musi wygłosić przemówienie?
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does he have to give a speech?
czy były jakiekolwiek telefony gdy mnie nie było?
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Were there any calls while I wasn't here?
kanalizacja / instalacja wodno kanalizacyjna
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tone w robocie papierkowej
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I'm swimming in paperwork
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a receipt
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wyszłaś wczoraj na miasto
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You went out yesterday
po co?
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what for?
z kim wyszłaś?
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who did you go out with?
od kogo to kupiłaś?
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who did you buy it from?
na co się patrzysz?
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what are you looking at?
rozpoznawalność marki
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brand awareness
produkty rolne
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dowód zakupu
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a proof of purchase
z wyjątkiem jednego
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except for one
usunąć zęba
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to remove a tooth
zadzwoniłabym po informatyka
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I would call an IT specialist
gdyby był spłukany poprosiłby o pomoc
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If he was broke he would ask for help
kiedyś chodziłam do kina
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I used to go to the cinema
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a superior
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a subordinate
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ubrania do ochrony przed słońcem
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clothes to protect from the sun
nie myśle o tym
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I do not think about that
pogłaskać wielbłąda
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pet the camel
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teraz albo nigdy
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now or never/ do or die
poprosić ich aby
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ask them to
jak pogoda wpływa na ich styl życia
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how does the weather affect their lifestyle?
zrobić sobie drzemke
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take a nap
na twoim miejscu nie zrobiłabym tego
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I wouldn't do it if I were you
oboje otrzymaliśmy zaproszenie ale nikt z nas nie idzie
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both of us received an invitation, but neither of us is going

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