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John Simulate ilness to avoid the egzam
robić notatki
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take notes
remember take notes
pod warunkiem
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You catch the train provided you leave home now
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what is the literal meaning od this Word
opiekować się
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look after
John Has to look after his litlle brother
kopalnia wiedzy
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mine of information
my grandfather was real mine of information about World war 2
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why arę you sitting here alone
kompac się, pływać
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we bathe on the cool mountain stream
jeść na mieście
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eat out
we going eat out today
baw się dobrze
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enjoy yourself
enjoy yourself at the party
przyjemny miły
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czas wolny
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free time
what do you do in free time
czas wolny
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spare time
she Likes to Play chess on spare time
jechać na ryby
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go fishing
i AM going fishing this weekend
wybierać się na żagle
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go sailing
which you like to go sailing next week?
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have a drink
would you like have a drink?
upić się
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get drunk
Franek got drunk at the party
dobrze się bawić
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have fun
have fun on your holiday
Dobrze się bawić
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have a good time
did you have a good time in Paris?

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