500 most important French verbs 301 - 325

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to prevent
The barrier prevents children from using the stairs.
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La barrière empêche les enfants de prendre l'escalier.
to fly
also: to steal
The plane is cruising at high altitude.
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L'avion vole à haute altitude.
to touch
Don't touch the pot! It's still very hot.
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Ne touche pas le pot! Il est encore très chaud.
to blow
Laura blew the candles.
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Laura a soufflé des bougies.
to prepare
Prepare for the worst.
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Prépare-toi au pire.
to lie
I don't want to lie to you.
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Je ne veux pas te mentir.
to throw
Throw me the ball, I'll catch it!
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Jette-moi le ballon, je vais l'attraper!
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