5. Lesson: I screamed so loudly...

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Domanda English Risposta English
bite (bit, bitten)
I screamed so loudly my dog bit me on the bottom, says
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to injure someone by making a hole in their skin
I screamed so loudly my dog bit me on the bottom, says
I realised I had won a share of the jackpot.
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a large amount of money that you can win in a game that is decided by chance; Pol. pula skumulowana
hit the jackpot
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Pol. zgarnąć pulę
gap year
Currently on a gap year before she starts her law degree.
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a year between leaving school and going to university, which some young people use as an opportunity to travel, earn money, or get experience of working
she starts her law degree in 2009
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a course of study at a university or college, or the qualification that is given to you when you have successfully completed the course; Pol. tytuł naukowy
treat sb to sth
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to buy or do something special for someone that you know they will enjoy
Eventually she wants to start her own law practice.
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after a long time, or after a lot of things have happened
I didn't know what to do with my ticket, so after hiding it in my bra and jewellery box,...
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a piece of underwear that a woman wears to support her breasts
settle for
I settled for my gym bag until it was confirmed I was a winner.
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to accept something even though it is not the best, or not what you really want
... until it was confirmed I was a winner.
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to show that something is definitely true, especially by providing more proof; Pol. potwierdzić
sink in
"It still hasn't sunk in yet but we have already celebrated with a traditional family party
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if information, facts etc _____, you gradually understand them or realize their full meaning
curly fries
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Pol. kręcony (o włosach)
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British English an alcoholic drink made from apples, or a glass of this drink
The win echoes that of another famous Lotto millionaire from Cumbria
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(of things) to resemble or imitate (another style, earlier model, etc.).
Wow, you look gorgeous! You could dress up more often.
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extremely pleasant or enjoyable; Pol. cudowny, fantastyczny, zachwycający
Wow, you look ________! You could dress up more often.
five years on
and five years on I now have my own house
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five years later
I am now settled, much more confident in myself and happy."
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if you feel ____, you feel comfortable about your life, your job etc, because you have been living or working somewhere a long time and you like the place, people, company etc
Miss Fullagar, who won £ 7,055,142.10 in Friday's EuroMillions draw,...
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British English a competition in which people whose names or tickets are chosen by chance win money or prizes; Pol. losowanie
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to state that you have a right to take or have something that is legally yours
unclaimed prizes
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If something is ..., no one has said that it belongs to them or that they should have it:

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