5 styczeń

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nikt jej nie lubi
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nobody likes her
czy to ma sens?
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does it make sense?
na stole znajduje się szklanka
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there is a glass on the table
on nas zna
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he knows us
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czy chciałbyś coś do jedzenia?
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Would you like anything to eat?
co myślisz o wężach?
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What do you think about snakes?
dlaczego ona lubi śpiewać?
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why does she like singing?
mam telefon komórkowy od kiedy miałem 10 lat
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I’ve had a mobile phone since I was ten years old
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buy, bought, bought
czy ona kiedykolwiek jeździła na koniu?
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Has she ever ridden a horse?
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myślę że powinienieś to rozważyć
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I think you should consider it
mam około 10 długopisów
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I have about 10 pens

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