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Domanda Risposta
kontrola publiczna
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public scrutiny
skąpić na sen
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skimp on sleep
oszczędzać na ćwiczeniach
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skimp on exercise
cieszę się, że widzę najlepszego przyjaciela
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elated to see best friend
czuć się uniesionym
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feeling elated
kontrola przez władze
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scrutiny by authorities
rozdzielić żabę
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dissect a frog
przeciąć zwłoki
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dissect a cadaver
lista na następny tydzień
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roster for the next week
lista graczy
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roster of players
rower wysokiej klasy
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hight end bicycle
wieczny student
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perpetual studet
wieczne śniegi
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perpetual snow
tłumić emocje
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suppress emotions
tłumić inicjatywę
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suppress iniciative
zataj informacje o COVID
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suppress information about COVID
uciec z Chloe
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elope with Chloe
potomność (przyszłe pokolenia)
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posterity (future generations)
brzuch (brzuch)
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abdomen (tummy)
obóz jeniecki
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pow camp
domniemane przestępstwo
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alleged crime
domniemana broń
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alleged gun
czcić Boga
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revere God
wycisz świętowanie
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diale down celebration
zatrzymana kariera
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stalled career
zablokowany silnik
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stalled engine
szczęście to kapryśna suka
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luck is a capricious bitch
połknąć język
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swallow you tongue
lekarz sądowy
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forensic doctor
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forensic scientist
zastrzyk strzykawkowy
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syringe injection
marnowanie swojego życia
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piddling your life
złamanie twarzy
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face fracture
punkt zwrotny
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turning point
Niepewnie balansował na krawędzi klifu
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He balanced precariously on the edge of the cliff
Precarious” brzmi jak "pre-kariery" – czyli sytuacja, w której dopiero zaczynasz i wszystko jest niepewne, np. pracujesz na śmieciówce i nie wiesz, co będzie jutro.
Ona uwielbia kawę, on przeciwnie woli herbatę.
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She loves coffee; conversely, he prefers tea.
Conversely" sounds like "conversation reversely"—like flipping a conversation upside down! Think of two people playing Uno, and one drops a reverse card—boom! The conversation flips!
"Conversely" means the opposite of what was just said. Imagine saying, "Ice is cold." Conversely, "Fire is hot."
Słońce jest gorące, odwrotnie – księżyc jest zimny.
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The sun is hot; conversely, the moon is cold.
Conversely is that one friend who always takes the opposite side in an argument, just for fun. "Pineapple belongs on pizza!" → "Conversely, that’s a crime!"
You say yes, I say no, Conversely—it’s how opposites go!
Kręgosłup to podstawa ludzkiego ciała.
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The spine is the backbone of the human body.
Backbone" sounds like "back bone"—literally the bone in your back that keeps you standing! Now picture a jellyfish trying to stand up—it flops over because it has no backbone!
Backbone" means something strong and essential that holds everything together. Imagine a tent without poles—it would collapse. The poles are the backbone of the tent!
układ pokoju
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room layout
Layout" sounds like "lay out"—literally laying things out in a certain way! Picture a chef laying out ingredients in a perfect order before cooking—neat and organized!

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