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goods, but not passengers, that are carried from one place to another, by ship, aircraft, train, or truck, or the system of transporting these goods
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preventing bullets from passing through
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to eat something eagerly and in large amounts so that nothing is left
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wanting very much to do or have something, especially something interesting or enjoyable
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eager (for)
a young lion, bear, wolf, etc.
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a bag made of cloth, plastic, or leather that is filled with soft material, often has an attractive cover, and is used especially on chairs for sitting or leaning on
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to take or use more than your share of something
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Someone who is ... is very careful about choosing only what they like
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picky = fussy = finicky
to go to sleep very quickly or to become unconscious very quickly
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go out like a light
an object or person that is thought to bring good luck
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lucky charm
to say that something is wrong or not satisfactory
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complain (about, that)
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undone (come undone)
a thin string or strip of leather used to fasten shoes
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a long, usually hard seat for two or more people, often found in public places
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the act of saying that you approve of or support something or someone
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very silly or stupid
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a skin condition in which areas of the skin become red, rough, and sore and make you want to rub them
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an unpleasant or ugly sight in a public place
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very excited and happy
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(especially of people and their behaviour) very energetic
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difficult to describe, find, achieve, or remember
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an occasion when a volcano explodes, and flames and rocks come out of it, or the act of doing this
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An ... sound is so loud or high that it hurts your ears
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to make someone believe something by repeatedly telling them that it is true and preventing other information from reaching them
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a person who builds walls or buildings using bricks, especially as a job
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the ability to remain standing, especially because your weight is equally distributed (= spread)
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stop doing that
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cut it out
used to tell someone to stop doing something that annoys you
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knock it off
to sound familiar
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ring a bell
to save money or time when doing something by not including some parts, actions, or details, so that the result is not as good as it could be
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cut corners
to fail to include or do something
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a poisonous form of oxygen
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to go down into, or stay in, a position where one or both knees are on the ground
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kneel - knelt - knelt (down)
to press something, especially a mixture for making bread, firmly and repeatedly with the hands and fingers
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a round handle, or a small, round device for controlling a machine or electrical equipment
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a flat shape with eight straight sides
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to avoid talking about what is important
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beat around the bush
a small barrel usually used for storing beer or other alcoholic drinks
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to take a person away illegally by force, usually in order to demand money in exchange for releasing them
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a small, usually wooden, shelter for a dog to sleep in outside
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to move past, in space or time
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go by
to leave your home in order to live in a new one
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move house
to go to a different place to live or work
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move (to, into/in, in with, away, out of)
to remove the contents of something, especially a load of goods from a vehicle, the bullets from a gun or the film from a camera
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to give a particular impression
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come off (as, like)
trying to appear or sound more important or clever than you are, especially in matters of art and literature
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to show someone that you are sexually attracted to them
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hit on sb
If you are ... by or to someone, you like them, often finding them sexually interesting
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(be) attracted
a very narrow space between parts of something
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the outer area of a town, rather than the shopping and business centre in the middle
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in the suburbs
a device, machine, or piece of equipment, especially an electrical one that is used in the house, such as a cooker or washing machine
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If something, such as a garden, is ..., it is well cared for and looks very tidy
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manicured (lawn)
a right to have or get something from someone, or to use something
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(call) dibs on
the largest bedroom in a house
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master bedroom
available and ready to be won or taken
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up for grabs
a woman who works as a servant in a hotel or in someone's home
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a person who is employed in another person's house, doing jobs such as cooking and cleaning, especially in the past
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When a door, floorboard, etc..., it makes a long low sound when it moves or is moved
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creak (creaky)
to move slowly, quietly, and carefully, usually in order to avoid being noticed
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creep - crept - crept
a piece of metal that fastens the edge of a door, window, lid, etc. to something else and allows it to open or close
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to collect several things, often from different places or people
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producing good results
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to accept or start to use something new
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a thick piece of tree trunk or branch, especially one cut for burning on a fire
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to take care of, feed, and protect someone or something, especially young children or plants, and help him, her, or it to develop
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to encourage the development or growth of ideas or feelings
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careful to look at or consider every part of something to make certain it is correct or safe
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a new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem
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not as good as the best and therefore not wanted as much
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(settle for) second best
the ideas that are contained in a piece of writing, a speech, or a film
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the influences and events related to a particular event or situation
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to cause something or someone to be accepted in or familiar with a place, position, etc.
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to do something that is expected, hoped for, or promised, or to cause it to happen
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to do something good to show that you are sorry about something you have done
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make amends (for)
to be too friendly to someone or to praise them in order to get advantages for yourself
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make up to sb
to do something good for someone because the person has been good to you, or because you have been bad to the person
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make sth up to sb
early enough
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in time
If it is ... that someone did something, it should have been done sooner or a long time ago
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about time/high time
at the agreed or expected time
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on time
not early or late
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on schedule
strange or mysterious; difficult or impossible to explain
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If you ask someone what they ..., you are asking that person, often in a slightly annoyed way, what they mean
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be on about
to behave or pretend in a particular way, especially in order to produce a particular effect or result
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to play
to make continuous, small movements, especially if they do not have a particular purpose and you make them without meaning to, for example because you are nervous or bored
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an extremely offensive word for a gay man
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to make things difficult or unpleasant for someone
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give sb a hard time
used to give permission
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by all means

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